God invites us into a relationship with Him built on faith and trust. We can draw closer to Him through prayer. Go to Him with all of our joys, sorrows, fears, anger, worry, and gratitude.
Whether you are a cradle Catholic, just getting started in the Church, or somewhere in between, FaithInWV hopes to inspire and refresh your prayer life.
This is to help you as a family to make the most of your time together. Whether at mealtime, in the car, or a random moment more than one of you are together, use this platform as an opportunity to share traditional and contemporary prayers to grow in faith together.
Is anyone among you suffering? He should pray. Is anyone in good spirits? He should sing praise.
James 5:13
You are not alone. God is waiting.
The most familiar Catholic prayers across the generations. These are treasured prayers that are part of our daily routine.
The Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston weekly e-bulletin for the faithful to not only keep everyone informed, but also to help us all grow in faith with Mass readings, prayer intentions, online resources, and feature stories about saints, significant events in the Church, and more.